Friday, August 24, 2007

Why do we want more processing power..

Let me think from another angle.
From ancient age itself, people used to keep slaves. To make another human being a slave and make him/her work, that we dont want to do ourselves, and for the profit of our own. It can not be accepted.
Why it is not accepted?
Is it just that, both the master and slave are human being/ any other living creature?
Or is it because, the hesitate towards the idea of slavery in general.

It's not beacause of the second reason, proves the trend of the world. In place of putting the human or an animal, to do the tedious work, now we are employing, computers. Only investment is, at the starting to buy the hardware. And, now it is the age of free software and open source. So, we are buying a slave, which doesnt have any feeling or in general "life", which will work, 24 hrs.

The architecture of the computer is still, just serial processing. Even if experts are trying to make it parallel, at basic behaviour is serial. And no intelligence at all. May be this is the best part.

"We dont want our slaves to think and protest us!!"
"Does it mean that, the efforts/work that is progressing in the direction of giving intelligence to machine, is just useless?? or, the same will make more problems in future?? "



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