Saturday, December 29, 2007


I always love Indulekha for her braveness, Intelligence, beauty and her the most importantly unfading love towards Madhavan. Now when working with Indulekha pages, I am again reading those, beautiful description about her, the family background, and Madhavan. What would have been the story of Indulekha, if she is living today. Is it any more different than any ordinary girl?? Indhulekha was special, those ages, since she knows English, Music, and some other extra-curricular activities, which is not so speical in a current social atmosphere. Of course she was from a big family and Very Very beautiful. But still what is peculiar to Indulekha, that still people appreciate her. Is it because she rejected a marriage proposal of a "Old, Stupid but Rich man"?? Not so convincing answer, This also will happen in the modern era.

I started writing this, just out of the overflowing love and appreciation in my mind towards Indulekha. Feeling bad to stop this even without the answers of my questiopns.. Still..

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At March 1, 2024 at 7:47 AM , Blogger Telkom University said...

What themes and cultural elements are prominent in "Indulekha" by O. Chandu Menon?Telkom University


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